Ready to Begin?
The all in one software solution for the Explore Scientific PMC-EIGHT iEXOS-100 GOTO Mount
Setting up a PMC Eight has never been easier
First, Download the application
If you have a PMC-Eight mount or just want to see what the app looks like, click this link to check it out!

Next, plug in a mini USB cable into the PMC Eight mount and connect it to your computer. You are now ready to move your mount! If you don’t have a mini USB cable or if it’s not long enough to reach your mount, this is the cable I use:
After downloading the application and plugging in the USB cable, you can now open the application and move your mount! Here’s an example of what you should see.
HINT: I really only use Stellarium to slew to my intended target. It won’t usually line up perfectly with my target but it gets me close enough. Once I make the large slew, I then close Stellarium and use my application for smaller movements/adjustments.